I, the undersigned applicant for employment, understand and agree that all employment at Northern Mortgage Services, Inc.(the “Company”) is on an at-will basis, and may be terminated by the employee or the Company at any time for any cause or no cause. I understand and agree that no one employed by the Company (except the Company’s Board of Directors by a specific written contract of a specific term of years naming the employee and signed by the employee and the Directors) has any authority to offer employment other than on an at-will basis. I also understand and agree to the Company’s policy that the Company’s decisions on all employment related matters are final, and are not subject to review or appeal outside the company except as required by laws providing or requiring employers to provide specific employment standards and rights.
I certify that the facts contained in the application are true and complete and that any falsification, misrepresentation or omission herein may result in refusal of, or immediately termination from employment. . I authorize and request my former employers, references and educational institutions to give the Company any and all information and opinions about me in their possession; I hereby waive written notice of such release of information and opinions, and I release any former employers, references and education institution from any liability or claim relating to such release of information and opinions. I also authorize and request federal, state and local governmental agencies to release to the Company any information requested concerning any criminal convictions on my record.
I agree that the contents of any lockers, desks, cabinets, or other Company property I may be using, and of my own property I bring onto the Company’s premises (including without limitation cars, packages and purses) may be inspected by the Company at any time, and I waive and promise not to make any claims against the Company (or it employees, owners, or agents) relating to such inspection.
I agree to submit to physical examination permitted by law performed by a health care professional before and during my employment at the request and expense of the Company, and
I agree to disclose completely all information lawfully requested at such examinations about my physical condition and medical history. I also agree that before and during my employment, at the request and expense of the Company, I will cooperate in such lawful medical tests (including blood, urine or other testing) as the Company requests to check for drugs or alcohol in my system, or for any other physical condition. I waive and release and promise not to make any claims against the Company (or any testing agency retained by it, or their employees, owners and agents) related to any such testing, or from lawful decision made regarding my employment or termination of employment based upon the results of such testing or analysis.
I agree that, except as prohibited by statute, the Company may disclose any information or opinions relating to me or my employment to employees of the Company or third parties, and
I waive and release and promise not to make any claims against the Company (or its employees, owners, or agents) relating to any such disclosure.
I agree that, except as directed otherwise by the Company, I will not disclose to anyone or use for my own purposes, any of the Company’s confidential or proprietary information, either during or after my employment. I understand and agree that the Company’s trade secrets, bidding, costs pricing and marketing information and techniques, financial and market information, computer software, sources of supply and customer names an information are confidential and proprietary information of the Company: I also agree that I will not make written or other copies of notes retarding these matters except as necessary to perform my jog, and I agree that if my employment with company end., I will deliver to the Company all materials of any kind that I have relating to the Company’s business which I develop or conceive while with the Company and that all such designs or conceptions shall be the property of the Company.
I agree that I will not commence or join in any action or lawsuit against Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., it owners, officers directors or employees relating to my employment or application for employment with Northern Mortgage Services, Inc. more than 6 months after he employment action that is the subject of the action or lawsuit, and I agree to waive any statute of limitations to the contrary. I understand that this means that even if the law would give me the right to wait a longer time to make a claim, I am freely and knowingly waiving that right, and that any claims not brought within 6 months after the relevant employment action will be barred. I waive any right to a jury trial if I ever sue Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., relating to my employment with Northern Mortgage Services, Inc.. I understand that this means that even if the law would give me the right to have a jury decide my claims, I am freely and knowingly waiving that right and agree to have my claims heard and decided by a judge instead.
I agree to the above term of employment. I agree that if any of the above terms is ever found to be legally unenforceable as written, such invalidity will not affect the validity of the rest of this agreement, and such term shall be limited to allow its enforcement as far as legally possible. No representative of Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., other than an officer of Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., by a written directive, has any authority to modify the above terms of employment, or to make any exception to them, or to offer employment on any other terms.
I agree that I will be bound by and will adhere to any other rules and policies, issued by Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., including all rules and policies contained in Northern Mortgage Services, Inc., employee handbook.